Friday, March 24, 2006

Joann, the CST lady

It was another CLSC day for me today. Because I recently turned four-months old, it was time for another set of vaccinations. Two months ago, when I got my first shots, my Mom and I both cried. Today, I still cried when I got the shots on my thighs.
On the way home, we passed by Lolo Phil's and Lola Mely's house. I overheard them talking to this lady from CST. They seemed to be conspiring to send me to some place called "university". They said, "Eighteen years from now, we'll look back to this day when we signed him up for a college fund." I wonder what they were talking about. It's time for some study for me, time to Google a few things.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I am four months old today

My, how time flies! Has it been a month since I met Grandma Cyndy and Grandpa John at the airport (click here for video)? I remember going with them to a restaurant and later talking to them about it(click here)..

The past month, I've had a few giggles with my Mom and Dad (click here).

Sometimes, they leave me to amuse myself on my aquarium chair (click here).

But most of the time, I am still practicing my roll overs (click here).

Meanwhile, Lolo Phil has been trying his hand at video editing and you can see above some of his amateurish output.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Nothing but spam in my inbox today

Maybe I'll just go update my blog.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Ma visite à la clinique dentaire de maman à Laval

Salut à tous! Enchanté de vous connaître, Vanessa, Jocelyne, Yves, Sylvie, Manon et Élise!

C'était un plaisir de souper avec vous! J'espère de vous revoir bientôt!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another milestone for me!

I finally did it! I've been trying and trying for a few weeks. I finally rolled over on to my tummy today. There was this dangling toy which I liked to grab. My Dad tricked me into reaching for it. Before I knew it, I was able to roll (click here for video clip).

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Just chillin' with friends at Centre Nathalie-Croteau

It's time for another weigh-in at the community center. I don't know why my Mom and Tia Monica gave me another haircut last night. Austin also came to be weighed.

And Antoine came, too.

While our Moms chatted, we did our best to amuse ourselves.

Someday, we'll look back at these fun times.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

People at my Mom's work

It's almost time for my Mom to go back to work, but before that, she brought me over to meet her friends, like Hilal and Josée, there. I must have met a hundred people today - everyone goo-ing and gaa-ing at me.

It's almost springtime and the sun's getting a little too bright.

Me and my Dad

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Oscar night

"And for the category of Best Actor ... the Oscar goes to ..."

"They call me Mr. Bibbs!"

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A visit by Caroline and Antoine

Antoine and I were at St. Mary's Hospital at the same time. I was born a day before him. His Mom, Caroline, and my Mom went to the same elementary school. Antoine's grandmother was also my Mom's teacher in the fifth grade. Antoine lives just a few miles from where I live.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Mom and her friends

Question: What do dentists do when they're not drilling teeth?
Answer: They take care of babies.

Wendy with Adam and baby girl "XX" (on the way); my Mom with me; Helen with Alexander and Stephen.

How I looked when I was half my age

Here's how I look now at 14 weeks old (in light blue) and how I looked when I was just a young sapling of 7 weeks (in dark blue).