Saturday, September 22, 2007

My first summer as a kid

Last winter is just a vague memory now. I was just learning to walk and run. I stayed indoors most of the time except for the few times when I played outdoors on the snow with my Dad.

We had a late spring snowfall and it was warm enough to play outdoors. My Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa took me out for a toboggan ride at the park.

At last, summer came and nothing could be more exciting than going to play at the park! I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me.

My brother James was born this summer.

A lot of my summer was spent near water. I learned how to turn on the water spouts at the park.

Then I got my Dad to carry me so I could play with the water spouts.

At the wading pool at a Cote-des-Neiges park.

And, I learned to sing karaoke by watching my Mom and Tia Monica.


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